Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Friends and Family in Hong Kong


Hong Kong has been affectionately renamed by us as Food Kong as the whole 5 days revolved around food. It also felt a lot like Christmas with cold, rainy weather, Christmas decorations everywhere and mince pies from M&S. It was awesome to meet up with so many friends and family members. Ty and I both enjoyed the HK skyline from Emma's lovely apartment and at the Hopewell Centre where we had an afternoon tea in the revolving restaurant. I also loved visiting the beaches and learning more about the Tsang family history and had fun on a night out in Lang Kwai Fong with Miss Rickaby.

So glad that my Mom was able to fly out to meet us in HK for these few wintry days.  Nevertheless, it felt warming to explore around the island together, sharing in her recollections and memories of the little nooks and crannies that are so closely linked to our family's experience.  It brings both Phillippa and me a bit closer to our wider family roots, and helps offer a tiny seed of a sense of belonging to the place.

We also shuffled across to Macao on the coldest and wintriest day (8 degrees - that's cold for us now!).  I'd not been there since the Portuguese handover, and it was Phillippa's first trip.  We mostly hid indoors from the cold in the World's Largest Casino (so that wasn't too difficult - seeing as it is the sixth largest building on Earth by square footage).  However, we paradoxically elected to go into an even colder environment - the ice sculpture gallery at -4 degres.  That was cool, I suppose, though I'm not really sold on the use of coloured ice - it makes the sculptures just look like the cheap fibreglass cladding on the mechanical ponies of a trailered travelling fairground carousel.  Naff?  Nevertheless, seeing Nadine over there was a huge plus, and the little bakeries in town conjured up some amazing piping hot Sino-Portugese goodies while we waited.  All good!

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful adventure that is continuing onward. Hong Kong (or Food Kong as you rename) is an exciting place that has many of our-your-family roots. Great capture on the photos and experience. Luv Dad
