Sunday, 13 July 2014

Ngorongoro Crater


It really feels a bit like some sort of Jurassic Park ecosystem - with tons and tons of animals living in the flat floor of a giant crater 18km across encircled by 600m high walls.  Just amazing. And even a (very distant) black rhino!

Lush, beautiful and teeming with life. There were many animals that we spotted here that we didn't see in Tanagire or the Serengeti as they are so exposed in the crater. The highlight this morning was seeing the hyenas, vultures and jackals scavenge around the remains of a carcass. An amazing end to a brilliant few days!

loads of wilderbeest
grants gazelle
crowned cranes
golden jackals
loads of hippos
loads of zebra
male and female lion copulating
black rhino in the distance
kori bustards
lionness and two tiny cubs
hyenas feasting with vultures and black backed jackals
hyena cubs
baboons and babies
gray backed fiscal shrike

secretary birds

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